What started as a mission to create a story quilt for our beloved Brutalist Library ended in the most incredible community project!

Do you have a favourite person, place or object which represents a positive memory in South Norwood? We have 100 fabric squares and we are looking to fill them with your story.

A story quilt is an art quilt that can be used to tell stories for future generations and we are on a journey to create a story quilt which represents our community in SE25. Every Friday, we are inviting members of the local area to come and share their story and make it part of the fabric. You simply sketch your story on paper, trace it on to a 20x20cm cotton square, choose your fabric colours and then get sewing. Once we have filled the story squares, we will create a 3x3 metre quilt which will be hung on the wall in South Norwood Brutalist Library as a permanent community art installation.

Everyone is welcome to come and create a story square, learn new skills, meet new people and be part of our community story. We can’t wait to meet you (it’s free and fabric and tools are provided). Every Friday - 16:30 17:30 (until February 23rd)

Alternatively you can also send us your story and our community quilters can create the square for you. For more info or to send us your story you can email - storyquiltsse25@gmail.com

Follow our journey on Instagram - storyquilts_se25